One very nice train ride later [don't know how this happened, but maybe it explains why our tickets cost more than I thought they would], we arrived in Paris.
AKA the city where I'd turn my scariest age to date.
I was ready.
Aaron had never been to Paris before, so I was eager to show him why I love it so much.
One of my first orders of business was to to purchase a white chocolate Kinder Bueno bar from a snack machine in the Metro.
Mission complete!!
On my birthday, we did several touristy things to get the boys acquainted with the city.
My only requests?
That we eat crepes and go to Laduree. Obviously.
The Paris premier of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was being set up for that evening!! I almost hyperventilated with excitement upon seeing this. |
View of the city from Tour Montparnasse. |
Per the recommendation of a friend who used to live in Paris, we had my birthday dinner at Chez Gladine, a traditional Basque restaurant.
Pictures of our OUTSTANDING food to come in a later post.
Just let your imaginations run wild for now.
I should also point out that they made a mean pitcher of sangria. Potent sangria. But on a 25th birthday, potent drinks are necessary.
Our remaining days were spent exploring more of the city, visiting Versailles on the coldest, rainiest, windiest day ever, and having the best falafel of my life. But more on that later.
Napoleon's tomb. Tiny man, giant tomb. Thus embodying "Napoleonic Complex." |
The Thinker. Let's not talk about how I can't use my camera very well [i.e. why this picture is so dark]. |
Aaron and I are not really into super mushy PDA, but we had to get a typical kissy kissy picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Let me just tell you that trying to take said picture while German tourists mill about and a tour bus is parked right in front of you is embarrassing.
We had to do about 30 takes because both of us kept laughing so hard.
These are the only two [plus a silly one that needed to be thrown in] that were acceptable for your eyes.
After successfully turning a year older and seeing the sites of Paris, it was time to catch an early train to my final destination of the trip...