Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A looksy into my day

Two days in a row! Progress, people.

My day, thus far, and a prediction for the evening:

5:45 am Wake up from a nightmare involving people/animals/objects being possessed by demons. Am skeptical that my real life cats are demon-free.
7:00 am Alarm goes off. Prepare myself for the day.
7:40 am Leave for work
11:00 am Early lunch time. Sushi!
1:00-2:30 pm Meetings
5:00 pm Appointment that involves wax and pain. Overshare?
6:00 pm+ Cook dinner, paint toenails, watch Downton Abbey, do last minute cleaning in preparation for the arrival of the Aussie boyfriend tomorrow.
10:30 or 11:00 pm Bedtime

My days are pretty standard. Up at 7, at work by 8, boot camp classes twice a week, half-assed exercise on the off days, dinners/drinks with friends here and there, LOTS of laying on the couch with cats watching tv.

With an insane work travel schedule coming up, not to mention 500 weddings to go to, I am thankful for the quiet moments of relaxation that the weekdays [mostly] provide.


daniwhitney said...

Have fun with the boyfriend! Are you going to share how you two meet? I love a good love story :)

Ashley said...

except for your days this week which include hanging out with your hot spicy aussie lover! :)


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