Sunday, December 28, 2014

My first Aussie Christmas

A belated Merry Christmas to you all!

I hope everyone had a fantastic day filled with food, family, and fun. 

I was prepared to be some sort of mess on my first Christmas away from my family - ever- but all was well. Between all the food, preparing of food, eating of food, and having the best time hanging out with both sides of Will's rather large family, I thankfully didn't have any time to be blue. 

Christmas Eve was COLD, so it actually felt like Christmas at home. Christmas day was another story, but I must admit that it was pretty glorious drinking champagne out in the sun and having our lunch outside at a beautifully set table. There was even a game of cricket, which I will need more practice at. I thought watching Will play so much would result in some sort of skills osmosis, but nay.

So all in all, a fantastic Christmas! 

Plus, I'm incredibly tan. What more could I ask for?

Funny story: Will and I went camping (my very first camping trip) with some friends recently and, long story short, had an incident in which the campsite was burned down. Hence this gift. And I got camping magazines. Cheeky!


Sienna said...

I'm SO jealous about your tan. Glad your first Australian Christmas was a great one!

Rod and Alex - aka: "Rolex" said...

Oh! What fun!

It's summer here in California...and I'm not nearly as tan as you last winter (did that make sense?)! Lucky girl!


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