Happy Halloweekend everyone!!
This is my favorite holiday [right after Christmas because I'm pretty sure you're just automatically supposed to say that Christmas is your favorite holiday].
Do something spooky and maybe cause yourself some sleepless nights. Because when else is it perfectly acceptable to do so?
Personally, I really want to see Paranormal Activity 2. BUT. The first one damaged me. Seriously. I was in tears that night in bed because I was so afraid. And this is coming from a person who LOVES scary things. So we'll see if I muster up the courage for the sequal [I'm betting on YES. I just can't resist].
The bulk of my weekend will be spent in College Station, tailgating for the football game. As of now, my costume is completely non-existant. I told Aaron we should both be Keyboard Cat. He was not ok with this idea. So at this point, looks like we'll both be lamesky and not dress up. Send vibes for last minute inspiration!
Have a BOOtiful weekend! [sorry, had to]